بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"The greatest weakness of most humans Is their hesitancy to tell (show) others, How much they love them While they're alive."
"It’s death whether by killing or by cancer; it’s the same thing,” he said the day after he was chosen Hamas leader in Gaza. “Nothing will change if it’s an Apache (helicopter) or cardiac arrest. But I prefer to be killed by Apache" - Asy Syahid Dr Abdul Aziz Rantissi, My Inspirational DR...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ba Alif Ba Ya VIRUS in Malaysia

Astaghfirullah (mengucap panjang sambil menahan hati yg berkecamuk melihat video di atas).... i have no better word to describe this event after watching the video....
It's really distract and bother me enough as my homeground looks like undemocratic state at all!!!...
Just what can I say, this " Ba Alif Ba Ya Virus " (meminjam term SaifulIslam.com) is more threatening that AH1N1 (virus of swine flu).... maybe i should ask my Sociology lecturer about that.... huhu~~

So, as the observers from outside, we should see it based on our inner heart which is "Iman".... We should realize, there is something URGENT that really need to be changed... So, who will lead the CHANGES if not you, "Aiyyuhaish Shabab"??!!

"Tarbiyah is not everything but everything is started from Tarbiyah"

[Ya Allah, selamatkan kami dari balaMU atas kelemahan dan ketidakupayaan kami dalam meninggikan kalimahMU]


丽 娜 said...

syg, bju cantik tp x setaraf dgn manners.ni la kalau pemimpin lupa tugas yg sebenar

KaLaM HiJaU said...

salam akhi..btul..ni la akibatnya bile kuasa menjadi pertimbangan..sedih melihat gelagat pemimpin negara kita.

Ansorullah said...

to lynawan...
amanah yg diberi bkn untuk dibangga2kan, tp ia adaah bebanan... yg wajar difikirkan from the end in mind...=)

to kalam hijau..
semoga Allah yang menunjukkan siapakah yang layak memegang amanah khalifah itu...

Maha Suci Allah Yang di tangan-Nyalah segala kerajaan, dan Dia Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu (67 : 1)

Iqra'.... Bacalah Quran, Nescaya Hatimu Menjadi Tenang....

Listen to Quran