بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"The greatest weakness of most humans Is their hesitancy to tell (show) others, How much they love them While they're alive."
"It’s death whether by killing or by cancer; it’s the same thing,” he said the day after he was chosen Hamas leader in Gaza. “Nothing will change if it’s an Apache (helicopter) or cardiac arrest. But I prefer to be killed by Apache" - Asy Syahid Dr Abdul Aziz Rantissi, My Inspirational DR...

Friday, October 16, 2009

2 E : 1 M

All your armies, all your fighters
All your tanks, and all your soldiers
Against a boy holding a stone
Standing there all alone
In his eyes I see the sun
In his smile I see the moon
And I wonder, I only wonder
Who is weak, and who is strong?
Who is right, and who is wrong?
And I wish, I only wish
That the truth has a tongue

Do We Hear That? Or Not?

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Why we have 2 Ears and only 1 Mouth?
Yes, We can hear more than talking...
So, we can say something when we know, what others want to hear from us...
And we can understand why we shouldn't say like that,
because we know it might hurt somebody...
And the most important is we know what we said,
because we have ears at both sides to catch the words come from a mouth...

Teach ourselves to be a good listener rather than only the best debater... (^_^)

~~Jalan dakwah tidak ditaburi dengan bunga-bunga, tetapi merupakan satu jalan yang susah dan panjang. Kerana sesungguhnya antara yang hak dengan batil ada pertentangan yang nyata. Ia memerlukan kesabaran dan ketekunan memikul bebanan yang berat. Ia memerlukan kemurahan hati, pemberian dan pengorbanan tanpa mengharapkan hasil yang segera tanpa putus asa dan putus harapan. Yang diperlukan ialah usaha dan kerja yang berterusan dan hasilnya terserah kepada Allah di waktu yang dikehendakiNya.~~
Mustafa Masyhur (Jalan Dakwah)

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