بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"The greatest weakness of most humans Is their hesitancy to tell (show) others, How much they love them While they're alive."
"It’s death whether by killing or by cancer; it’s the same thing,” he said the day after he was chosen Hamas leader in Gaza. “Nothing will change if it’s an Apache (helicopter) or cardiac arrest. But I prefer to be killed by Apache" - Asy Syahid Dr Abdul Aziz Rantissi, My Inspirational DR...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Compilation & Preservation of Quran...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sabtu lepas, semasa usrahku, satu soalan telah ditanyakan oleh salah seorang anak usrahku,
"Macam mane Al-Quran tu disusun ek?"

Aku pernah mendengar Talk bersiri - "The Sciences of Al-Quran" dari Sheikh Yasir Qadhi tentang perkara tu. Alhamdulillah... Aku cuba menerangkan sebaik mungkin agar difahami, namun, aku bukanlah si sheikh untuk menerangkan segalanya berserta contoh-contoh dan dalil2 nya... Jadi, insyaAllah, supaya tidak menyiakan-nyiakan peluang untuk berkongsi, jom dgr siri ke 9 & 10 dari si syeikh... (^_^)

"Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan Al-Quran, dan pasti Kami pula yang akan memeliharanya." (Al-Hijr,15 : 9)

InsyaAllah, mari doakan untuk sukarelawan2 Freedom Flotilla yang sedang menghadapi ujian-ujian yang telah ditetapkanNYA untuk mereka... Moga Allah SWT akan memberi kemenangan kepada orang-orang yang benar dan orang-orang yang sabar! ameen...

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, says the flotilla was carefully inspected before departure:

I want to say to the world, to the heads of state and the governments, that these boats that left from Turkey and other countries were checked in a strict way under the framework of the rules of international navigation and were only loaded with humanitarian aid."

There was no one on board "other than civilian volunteers" he said.

Live Streams for News of Freedom Flotilla

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